Montessori Training Manuals / Albums

Early Childhood / Kindergarten (3–6) Montessori Training Manuals

The coursework consists of 9 Montessori training manuals, which are 100% coloured, highly illustrated and designed especially keeping the needs of distance learners in mind. Printed on top quality paper these manuals seem to be pieces of art. Upon enrolment in our Montessori Early Childhood (3 - 6) Diploma Program, these manuals are shipped to the trainee through express post.
Each manual has related videos, presentations, quizzes and online assignments to be completed by the students by logging into our Learning Management System.
We believe that these are, by far, the most up-to-date, comprehensive, illustrated and cost effective Montessori training manuals available anywhere in the world. They are a lifetime resource and will prove to helpful in any Montessori professional role while being a great mother or a father.
Module 1: Montessori Early Childhood (3 - 6) Guidebook
This module introduces you to Montessori system and its uniqueness. It introduces you to the Life and works of the founder Dr. Maria Montessori, her Method, Theories and Philosophy. Topics ranging from sensitive periods in children, preparing the environment, control of error, rules of Montessori materials and pedagogical presentations are all covered in necessary detail in this guidebook. Along with that it serves as a guide to use all the remaining 8 modules in the course. Following are the main topics covered in this manual.
  • - Life and Works of Dr. Montessori, Her Method and Philosophy
  • - Concepts of Prepared Environment, Control of Error, Freedom of Choice, Sensitive Periods, Mixed Age Groups, Access and Proportion, etc.
  • - Phases of Development
  • - Your Role as a Montessori Directress
  • - How to Present Lessons in Montessori Way
  • - How to Organize and Manage a Montessori classroom

Module 2: Exercises of Practical Life (EPL) 
Exercises of practical life (EPL) are those simple daily actions which are performed to maintain and restore proper living conditions. Rather than doing things for children, we, by introducing practical life activities to them at the right time, enable them to do things themselves. This way independence and self-reliance becomes a lifelong personality trait. They don't just continue doing everyday things for themselves, but also do it happily.
This manual introduces a variety of step by step practical activities, ranging from as simple as pouring water from a jug to as complex as washing a collection of dishes. These exercise aim to satisfy the child’s strong urge to do things himself, promote independence, develop love for work, arouse internal happiness, promote self satisfaction & self respect, teach to give and take help gracefully, improve coordination and grace of movements, inculcate good habits, love of nature and normalization of the children.

Module 3: Exercises of Sensory Development
Senses play a vital role in our lives. They are like our connecting bridges to the environment. They are the only channels through which outside information passes into the mind. Development of a sense is directly related to the way it is used. Since, the child is in the age of rapid development and is passing through sensitive period for sensory development during birth to 7 years of life, it is possible to enhance his sensory experiences through appropriate environment and activities of sensory interactions, which in turn lead to maximum development of the senses.
This comprehensive manual covers up the entire range of Montessori sensory exercises with fully coloured step by step illustrations, encompassing visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory and hearing exercises.

Module 4: Language Manual A
The Montessori language curriculum follows a multidimensional approach and offers developmentally appropriate activities and materials for all areas including phonics, reading, writing, grammar and oral language following a systematic process.
This manual deals with systematic activities for step by step progression in phonics including a comprehensive plan to practice 44 phonic sounds of English language along with their common 144 different alphabetic representations (graphemes). Further activities lead children through three lettered phonetic words (pink level), longer phonetic words (blue level), high frequency words (sight words), phonogramic words (green level) and finally total reading.
Along side, the use of metal insets train the child's hand for manipulating the pencil and sandpaper letters make him familiar with the way to write them.

Module 5: Mathematics Manual A
This manual contains the amazing range of Dr. Montessori’s Mathematical exercises, which surprise the expert mathematicians even today. The number rods, sandpaper numbers, spindle box and number cards and counters teach children counting, identification and association of quantities and numerals till ten using concrete materials. The exercises in decimal system group, normally done with golden bead material lead children to enriched concrete experiences in addition, multiplication, subtraction and division. Along side, the exercises in linear counting group enable children to count till hundred and then one thousand.

Module 6: Language Manual B
One gets surprised by the wondrous lingual and literal achievements that a Montessori child can make before reaching 7 years of age.
This manual takes you to the next level of Montessori language exercises. Children are introduced to the capital letters and the sequence of the alphabet. Chalk boards and alphabet sorting exercises go hand in hand to further the child's skill in writing. The function of words (including nouns, articles, verb, interjections, adjective, pronoun, etc.) introduces the child to forms of speech using concrete symbols. The farm house exercises teach the child the proper use of function of words in phrases and sentences.

Module 7: Math Manual B
This manual dives further in advance Montessori Mathematical activities. Bead chains prepare the child for extensive linear and skip counting till 1000. Extensive activities with snake games, multiplication bead bars, bead stairs, small number rods and the stamp games furthers child's previous experiences of four operations in a more abstract way.  The children are further introduced to the fourth group of Mathematical exercises i.e. memorization of arithmetic tables through activities with multiplication board, unit division board and charts for addition, multiplication, subtraction and division . 

Module 8: Culture A (Geography and History Exercises)
The Montessori cultural studies curriculum provides children with an opportunity to explore the whole world including the continents, countries, people, cultures, terrain, natural phenomena, sciences, music and arts.
This manual contains an amazing range of Montessori Geography and History exercises to be carried out with didactic Montessori materials. These exercises familiarize the child with cultures around the globe and help him adapt to his own. Early cultural awareness help children become independent and useful member of the society.

Module 9: Culture B (Zoology, Botany and Science Experiments)
During the early years children are naturally attracted to all natural elements including plants and animals. Appropriate natural experiences are essential for their holistic development.
This module contains a series of developmentally appropriate  Zoology and Botany exercises. Furthermore, it includes numerous science experiments to arouse the child's interest in scientific processes and phenomenon in everyday life.


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